10 Amazing Facts about Human Bones

Fact #1 - An Adult human body has 206 bones .

Fact #2 - Total no. of bones present in our legs is 26 .

Fact #3 - Bones are made up of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, other minerals and the protein collagen .

Fact #4 - Bones appear very hard from outside but they are spongy from inside and filed with Air .

Fact #5 - Bones are made up of more than 50% of water .

Fact #6 - The human hand contain 54 bones including wrists .

Fact #7 - Tendons are made up of elastic Tissue .

Fact #8 - Skull is made up of 22 different bones which grow together at the time of childhood .

Fact #9 - The longest bone in our body is femur , from knee to the pelvis .

Fact #10 - The smallest bone in our body is stapes it measures approx. 0.25cm .

Jai Hind


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