11 Amazing Facts About Human Kidney

Fact #1 - Size of kidney is only 4.5 inches .

Fact #2 - Each kidney weighs around 113 gram to 170 gram .

Fact #3 - In 1 hour , kidney receives 56781 ml blood .

Fact #4 - The total length of nephrons of both the kidneys is approx 16 kilometer .

Fact #5 - Kidney pumps around 1514164 ml of recycled blood every day .

Fact #6 - Kidneys are connected to bladder with the help of two tubes known as ureter . 

Fact #7 - Some children are born with only one kidney .

Fact #8 - Excessive antacids and milk can cause kidney stones .

Fact #9 - We excrete approx 1.5 liter urine in a single day .

Fact #10 - High BP and diabetes can both lead to failure of kidneys .

Fact #11 - Nearly 500 million people globally suffer from some kind of kidney problem or damage .



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