11 Amazing Facts About Human Ear

Fact #1 - Fish do not have ears, but they can hear by the pressures . 

Fact 2 - The smallest bones in the human body is malleus , inch  and stapes which are present in ears .

Fact #3 - Our hear also listen when we sleep but our brain ignores the sound .

Fact #4 - Sound travels at the speed of 1,130 feet per second .

Fact #5 - Dogs can hear much higher frequencies than humans.

Fact #6 - Snakes hear through the jaw bone and through a traditional inner ear . 

Fact #7 - Sitting in front of the speakers will begin to damage hearing in only 7.5 minutes . 

Fact #8 - Our sense of hearing is dependent upon tiny hairs deep inside our ear. 

Fact #9 - The majority of individuals suffering from hearing loss are under the age of 65 . 

Fact #10 - Our hearing can be damaged permanently even after a single incident of exposure to extremely loud noise .

Fact #11 - Male mosquitoes hear with thousands of tiny hairs growing on their antennae .



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