10 amazing facts about human brain

Fact #1 - The human brain takes 2% of the body weight but uses 20% of total energy .

Fact #2 - Our brain is approx. 73% of water .

Fact #3 -  All brain cells are not same .

Fact #4 - Only 5 minutes without oxygen can damage our brain .

Fact #5 - Our brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity .

Fact #6 - More than 1 million chemicals reaction takes place in our brain every second .

Fact #7 - Our brains are getting smaller in size .

Fact #8 - Our brain’s storage capacity is virtually unlimited . 

Fact #9 - The human brain is not solid . It is soft .

Fact #10 - The adult human brain weighs nearly 1.5 kg .

Jai Hind


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