11 Amazing Facts About Human Lungs

Fact #1 - The lung on the left side is smaller in size than the right one . 


Fact #2 - New born babies have pink colored lungs .

Fact #3 - A person can expect to breathe in about 20 kg of dust over lifetime . 

Fact #4 - Lungs inhale over 2,000 meter cube of air each day .  

Fact #5 - Lungs have 300,000 million capillaries, whose total length when combined would be 2,400 km .

Fact #6 - Mucus serve as first line of defence against bacteria, dust and dirt entering our body .

Fact #7 - It’s impossible to commit suicide by holding your breath .

Fact #8 - Most vertebrate animals have two lungs .

Fact #9 - The average adult breathes around 12 to 20 times a minute .

Fact #10 - The study of lung's diseases is known as pulmonology .

Fact #11 - Pneumonia  makes harder for our lungs to absorb oxygen from the air we breathe .

Jai Hind


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