12 Amazing Facts about Dogs

Fact #1 - Your blood pressure can be lowed by petting your Dog .

Fact #2 - Dogs have wet noses and their noses help them to absorb chemical's scent .

Fact #3 - The basenji is the only breed of dog that can yodel but can't bark .

Fact #4 - Dog's sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than human .

Fact #5 - Dogs can see black , White , blue and yellow .

Fact #6 - Bloodhounds are able to trace scents that are over 300 hours old .

Fact #7 - Dogs can be trained to detect changes in the human body .

Fact #8 -  Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and then develop their spots over time .

Fact #9 - Dog's have sweat smelling glands on their feet .

Fact #10 - The USA is the country with the highest pet dog population, at around 75 million .

Fact #11 - Dogs can hear about more than 4 times the distance of a human .

Fact #12 - Dogs can recognize more than 150 words .

Jai Hind


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